24-Bit Hexa-Decimal COLOR Tables

The following color tables give the 24-bit hexa-decimal code for the color of each square they are in. To use these colors in an HTML document just double click the hex code with the mouse, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into the document using the Color="#RRGGBB" attribute for Background Color, Font Color, and Table Colors.

The Hues are the primary and secondary colors and the off-axis colors that lie in between them in 50% & 100% saturation. The Hue is defined by the Phase in Degrees around the Color Circle. Blue is at 0°, Red is at 120°, and Green is at 240°. A secondary color lies 180° out of phase from its complimentary color.

Here is a list of the phases of all the colors from 0° to 360°.

100% Saturated Color Swatch
Dec. White Yellow Cyan Green Magenta Red Blue
255 FFFFFF FFFF00 00FFFF 00FF00 FF00FF FF0000 0000FF
238 EEEEEE EEEE00 00EEEE 00EE00 EE00EE EE0000 0000EE
221 DDDDDD DDDD00 00DDDD 00DD00 DD00DD DD0000 0000DD
204 CCCCCC CCCC00 00CCCC 00CC00 CC00CC CC0000 0000CC
187 BBBBBB BBBB00 00BBBB 00BB00 BB00BB BB0000 0000BB
170 AAAAAA AAAA00 00AAAA 00AA00 AA00AA AA0000 0000AA
153 999999 999900 009999 009900 990099 990000 000099
136 888888 888800 008888 008800 880088 880000 000088
119 777777 777700 007777 007700 770077 770000 000077
102 666666 666600 006666 006600 660066 660000 000066
85 555555 555500 005555 005500 550055 550000 000055
68 444444 444400 004444 004400 440044 440000 000044
51 333333 333300 003333 003300 330033 330000 000033
34 222222 222200 002222 002200 220022 220000 000022
17 111111 111100 001111 001100 110011 110000 000011

50% Saturated Color Swatch
Decimal Yellow Cyan Green Magenta Red Blue
238/119 EEEE77 77EEEE 77EE77 EE77EE EE7777 7777EE
204/102 CCCC66 66CCCC 66CC66 CC66CC CC6666 6666CC
170/85 AAAA55 55AAAA 55AA55 AA55AA AA5555 5555AA
153/76 99994C 4C9999 4C994C 994C99 994C4C 4C4C99
136/68 888844 448888 448844 884488 884444 444488
119/59 77773B 3B7777 3B773B 773B77 770000 3B3B77
102/51 666633 336666 336633 663366 663333 333366
85/42 55552A 2A5555 2A552A 552A55 552A2A 2A2A55
68/34 444422 224444 224422 442244 442222 222244
51/25 333319 193333 193319 331933 331919 191933
34/17 222211 112222 112211 221122 221111 111122
17/8 111108 081111 081108 110811 110808 080811

100% Saturated Off Axis Color Swatch
Decimal Value Red/ Yellow Green/ Cyan Green/ Yellow Blue/ Magenta Red/ Magenta Blue/ Cyan
255/127/0 FF7F00 00FF7F 7FFF00 7F00FF FF007F 007FFF
238/119/0 EE7700 00EE77 77EE00 7700EE EE0077 0077EE
221/110/0 DD6E00 00DD6E 6EDD00 6E00DD DD006E 006EDD
204/102/0 CC6600 00CC66 66CC00 6600CC CC0066 0066CC
187/93/0 BB5D00 00BB5D 5DBB00 5D00BB BB005D 005DBB
170/85/0 AA5500 00AA55 55AA00 5500AA AA0055 0055AA
153/76/0 994C00 00994C 4C9900 4C0099 99004C 004C99
136/68/0 884400 008844 448800 440088 880044 004488
119/59/0 773B00 00773B 3B7700 3B0077 77003B 003B77
102/51/0 663300 006633 336600 330066 660033 003366
85/42/0 552A00 00552A 2A5500 2A0055 55002A 002A55
68/34/0 442200 004422 224400 220044 440022 002244
51/25/0 331900 003319 193300 190033 330019 001933
34/17/0 221100 002211 112200 110022 220011 001122
17/8/0 110800 001108 081100 080011 110008 000811

50% Saturated Off Axis Color Swatch
Decimal Value Red/ Yellow Green/ Cyan Green/ Yellow Blue/ Magenta Red/ Magenta Blue/ Cyan
238/178/119 EEB277 77EEB2 B2EE77 B277EE EE77B2 77B2EE
221/165/110 DDA56E 6EDDA5 A5DD6E A56EDD DD6EA5 6EA5DD
204/153/102 CC9966 66CC99 99CC66 9966CC CC6699 6699CC
187/140/93 BB8C5D 5DBB8C 8CBB5D 8C5DBB BB5D8C 5D8CBB
170/127/85 AA7F55 55AA7F 7FAA55 7F55AA AA557F 557FAA
153/115/76 99734C 4C9973 73994C 734C99 994C73 4C7399
136/102/68 886644 448866 668844 664488 884466 446688
119/89/59 77593B 3B7759 59773B 593B77 773B59 3B5977
102/77/51 664D33 33664D 4D6633 4D3366 66334D 334D66
85/63/42 553F2A 2A553F 3F552A 3F2A55 552A3F 2A3F55
68/51/34 443322 224433 334422 332244 442233 223344
51/38/25 332619 193326 263319 261933 331926 192633
34/25/17 221911 112219 192211 191122 221119 111922
17/12/8 110C08 08110C 0C1108 0C0811 11080C 080C11

These Color Tables were created by    J. S. Gilstrap
Using an HTML Macro for the   TSE Jr 4   Text Editor.
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