24-Bit Hexa-Decimal
The following color tables give the 24-bit hexa-decimal code for the color of
each square they are in. To use these colors in an HTML document just double
click the hex code with the mouse, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into
the document using the
attribute for Background Color, Font Color, and Table Colors.
The Hues are the primary and secondary colors and the off-axis colors that lie
in between them in 50% & 100% saturation. The Hue is defined by the Phase
in Degrees around the Color Circle.
Blue is at 0°,
Red is at 120°, and
Green is at 240°.
A secondary color lies 180° out of phase from its complimentary color.
Here is a list of the phases of all the colors from 0° to 360°.
- 0° Blue
- 30° Blue/Magenta (Indigo)
- 60° Magenta
- 90° Red/Magenta (Fuchsia)
- 120° Red
- 150° Red/Yellow (Orange)
- 180° Yellow
- 210° Green/Yellow
- 240° Green
- 270° Green/Cyan
- 300° Cyan
- 330° Blue/Cyan
100% Saturated Color Swatch |
Dec. |
White |
Yellow |
Cyan |
Green |
Magenta |
Red |
Blue |
255 |
FFFF00 |
00FFFF |
00FF00 |
FF00FF |
FF0000 |
0000FF |
238 |
EEEE00 |
00EEEE |
00EE00 |
EE00EE |
EE0000 |
0000EE |
221 |
DDDD00 |
00DDDD |
00DD00 |
DD00DD |
DD0000 |
0000DD |
204 |
CCCC00 |
00CCCC |
00CC00 |
CC00CC |
CC0000 |
0000CC |
187 |
BBBB00 |
00BBBB |
00BB00 |
BB00BB |
BB0000 |
0000BB |
170 |
AAAA00 |
00AAAA |
00AA00 |
AA00AA |
AA0000 |
0000AA |
153 |
999999 |
999900 |
009999 |
009900 |
990099 |
990000 |
000099 |
136 |
888888 |
888800 |
008888 |
008800 |
880088 |
880000 |
000088 |
119 |
777777 |
777700 |
007777 |
007700 |
770077 |
770000 |
000077 |
102 |
666666 |
666600 |
006666 |
006600 |
660066 |
660000 |
000066 |
85 |
555555 |
555500 |
005555 |
005500 |
550055 |
550000 |
000055 |
68 |
444444 |
444400 |
004444 |
004400 |
440044 |
440000 |
000044 |
51 |
333333 |
333300 |
003333 |
003300 |
330033 |
330000 |
000033 |
34 |
222222 |
222200 |
002222 |
002200 |
220022 |
220000 |
000022 |
17 |
111111 |
111100 |
001111 |
001100 |
110011 |
110000 |
000011 |
50% Saturated Color Swatch |
Decimal |
Yellow |
Cyan |
Green |
Magenta |
Red |
Blue |
255/127 |
7FFF7F |
FF7F7F |
7F7FFF |
238/119 |
EEEE77 |
77EEEE |
77EE77 |
EE77EE |
EE7777 |
7777EE |
221/110 |
6EDD6E |
DD6E6E |
6E6EDD |
204/102 |
CCCC66 |
66CCCC |
66CC66 |
CC66CC |
CC6666 |
6666CC |
187/93 |
5DBB5D |
BB5D5D |
5D5DBB |
170/85 |
AAAA55 |
55AAAA |
55AA55 |
AA55AA |
AA5555 |
5555AA |
153/76 |
99994C |
4C9999 |
4C994C |
994C99 |
994C4C |
4C4C99 |
136/68 |
888844 |
448888 |
448844 |
884488 |
884444 |
444488 |
119/59 |
77773B |
3B7777 |
3B773B |
773B77 |
770000 |
3B3B77 |
102/51 |
666633 |
336666 |
336633 |
663366 |
663333 |
333366 |
85/42 |
55552A |
2A5555 |
2A552A |
552A55 |
552A2A |
2A2A55 |
68/34 |
444422 |
224444 |
224422 |
442244 |
442222 |
222244 |
51/25 |
333319 |
193333 |
193319 |
331933 |
331919 |
191933 |
34/17 |
222211 |
112222 |
112211 |
221122 |
221111 |
111122 |
17/8 |
111108 |
081111 |
081108 |
110811 |
110808 |
080811 |
100% Saturated Off Axis Color Swatch |
Decimal Value |
Red/ Yellow |
Green/ Cyan |
Green/ Yellow |
Blue/ Magenta |
Red/ Magenta |
Blue/ Cyan |
255/127/0 |
FF7F00 |
00FF7F |
7FFF00 |
7F00FF |
FF007F |
007FFF |
238/119/0 |
EE7700 |
00EE77 |
77EE00 |
7700EE |
EE0077 |
0077EE |
221/110/0 |
DD6E00 |
00DD6E |
6EDD00 |
6E00DD |
DD006E |
006EDD |
204/102/0 |
CC6600 |
00CC66 |
66CC00 |
6600CC |
CC0066 |
0066CC |
187/93/0 |
BB5D00 |
00BB5D |
5DBB00 |
5D00BB |
BB005D |
005DBB |
170/85/0 |
AA5500 |
00AA55 |
55AA00 |
5500AA |
AA0055 |
0055AA |
153/76/0 |
994C00 |
00994C |
4C9900 |
4C0099 |
99004C |
004C99 |
136/68/0 |
884400 |
008844 |
448800 |
440088 |
880044 |
004488 |
119/59/0 |
773B00 |
00773B |
3B7700 |
3B0077 |
77003B |
003B77 |
102/51/0 |
663300 |
006633 |
336600 |
330066 |
660033 |
003366 |
85/42/0 |
552A00 |
00552A |
2A5500 |
2A0055 |
55002A |
002A55 |
68/34/0 |
442200 |
004422 |
224400 |
220044 |
440022 |
002244 |
51/25/0 |
331900 |
003319 |
193300 |
190033 |
330019 |
001933 |
34/17/0 |
221100 |
002211 |
112200 |
110022 |
220011 |
001122 |
17/8/0 |
110800 |
001108 |
081100 |
080011 |
110008 |
000811 |
50% Saturated Off Axis Color Swatch |
Decimal Value |
Red/ Yellow |
Green/ Cyan |
Green/ Yellow |
Blue/ Magenta |
Red/ Magenta |
Blue/ Cyan |
255/191/127 |
238/178/119 |
EEB277 |
77EEB2 |
B2EE77 |
B277EE |
EE77B2 |
77B2EE |
221/165/110 |
DDA56E |
6EDDA5 |
A5DD6E |
A56EDD |
DD6EA5 |
6EA5DD |
204/153/102 |
CC9966 |
66CC99 |
99CC66 |
9966CC |
CC6699 |
6699CC |
187/140/93 |
BB8C5D |
5DBB8C |
8CBB5D |
8C5DBB |
BB5D8C |
5D8CBB |
170/127/85 |
AA7F55 |
55AA7F |
7FAA55 |
7F55AA |
AA557F |
557FAA |
153/115/76 |
99734C |
4C9973 |
73994C |
734C99 |
994C73 |
4C7399 |
136/102/68 |
886644 |
448866 |
668844 |
664488 |
884466 |
446688 |
119/89/59 |
77593B |
3B7759 |
59773B |
593B77 |
773B59 |
3B5977 |
102/77/51 |
664D33 |
33664D |
4D6633 |
4D3366 |
66334D |
334D66 |
85/63/42 |
553F2A |
2A553F |
3F552A |
3F2A55 |
552A3F |
2A3F55 |
68/51/34 |
443322 |
224433 |
334422 |
332244 |
442233 |
223344 |
51/38/25 |
332619 |
193326 |
263319 |
261933 |
331926 |
192633 |
34/25/17 |
221911 |
112219 |
192211 |
191122 |
221119 |
111922 |
17/12/8 |
110C08 |
08110C |
0C1108 |
0C0811 |
11080C |
080C11 |
These Color Tables were created by
J. S. Gilstrap
Using an HTML Macro for the
TSE Jr 4
Text Editor.
Copyright ©2000 ©2018 J. S. Gilstrap All Rights Reserved.