JFK Jr. Then & Now ? The bottom image was found on a website about the JFK assasination claiming that this is an image of JFK Jr. today. The top image is a publicly available image found though a search engine. After scaling top image to the size of the bottom image, combining them in this composite, the similiarlties are uncanny. Copying the top image, making it semi-transparent and pasteing it over the bottom image and aligning it the overlay is extremely good, the same pose. Now I am not a study of image forensics and can't tell for sure if it is real or has been morphed. This leads me to believe that there is a high chance that the bottom image may have been photoshopped with ageing software or in this day a product of A.I. Until there is definite proof that he is alive and wants to be found then it is best to assume that he was killed in the plane crash. Along with the imfor- mation on the website various theories about him being warned by another politician not to run for president and that he would be in greater danger if he did may have behooved him to go into hiding, maybe through a witness protection program for his own safety, not unlike the threats Ross Perot recieved from the Bush camp over his campaign disrupting Bush's chances of winning. If he is in hiding and wants to stay there for his own safety and that of his family it is our responsibility to respect this and not force this to the surface. Let's just leave it alone !