Make QR
A bash wrapper script
for Lib QR Encode

Make QR (mkqr) is a wrapper script written in bash for libqrencode. (If you can't get libqrencode from this website then it can be obtained here.) It will take input from the command line and check it for proper format. The retrieving and checking of input is done with the get_string function and they can both be downloaded here in a tar ball.
A qrencode 3.4.2 i686 RPM SRC is available with MkQR packaged within it.

RPMs for QR Encode 4.1.1 :
i686, x86_64, SRPM. Since a spec file was not found in the original TGZ archive these were built with the Spec File from the 3.4.2 package. With some tinkering they have built correctly but have not been tested. mkqr has not been updated to work with this version yet.

This uses 'zenity' for --color-selection and --file-selection options but the default version of 'zenity' on CentOS 6 (Redhat Enterprise) is 2.2.8. A 2.32 version was built to get the --color-selection option and is available in binary i686 & x86_64 RPM formats from the Ferora Core 14 SRPM. A plain tarball for zenity 2.32.1 is available here.

J. S. Gilstrap
